
Your Resource for All Things Real Estate & Investments
Greensburg Business List | Your Guide to Greensburg
New to the Greensburg area? Or maybe you’re already a resident and just looking for things to do! Whatever the case, we’ve got your back. This charming and historic city offers the best people, places, and experiences. Below we’ve compiled a list of our favorite local Greensburg businesses ranging from coffee shops, hair salons, restaurants, and more so you can experience everything this city has to offer.
Birgo Realty
Market Profile: Cincinnati, The Queen City
Our Heartland metro profiles analyze markets that we think could be attractive to investors. First up, we’ll be focusing on the Queen City, The City of Seven Hills, The ‘Nati… you guessed it, Cincinnati. 
Birgo Capital
A Mini Birgo Memoir: Recalling March of 2020
365 days. 52 weeks. One year. We're looking back after one year of shutdowns due to the COVID-19 pandemic and what it meant for us as real estate investors.
Birgo Capital
What does stimulus mean for multifamily?
Even in normal times, American investors get a little nervous every four years. Uncertainties about election outcomes become uncertainties about the investment landscape — and that reality is more pressing this year because of the crisis economy we’ve been living in (or trying to stay socially distant from) for the past eleven months.
Birgo Capital
Safety Tips for Living Alone
Being independent doesn’t always have to be scary; living alone can mean newfound freedom and opportunities to explore your curiosity. To help you feel peace of mind and secure in your new neighborhood, we’re sharing our top safety tips for living alone.
Birgo Realty
Cryptocurrency: What Real Estate Investors Think About Bitcoin
Cryptocurrency isn't the first, and won't be the last, innovation by which the tech sphere impinges on the financial sphere. We're reluctant to aim our crystal ball solely at technological innovation, but the collapse of Bitcoin would likely generate some kind of influence vacuum waiting to be filled by the next emerging technology.
Birgo Capital
Q&A With Birgo Real Estate Photographer Brett Hammon
Birgo photographer Brett Hammon answers some of the most pressing real estate photography questions that will help anyone looking to get started in the field. Everything from how to book a job to what time of day is best for shooting is discussed. Be sure to read our other real estate photography article for further tips and tricks!
Birgo Realty
Will Interest Rates Go Up in 2021?
Interest rates may or may not rise this year. How’s that for precise?! Our conviction is that real estate investors can generate strong returns in both low- and high-rate environments, but there are real strategic differences between those environments, and there’s no substitute for preparedness.
Birgo Capital
Real Estate Photography: Tips, Tricks, & How to Get Started
Are you a photography buff but haven’t yet dipped your toes into real estate photography? Or are you a photography newbie and just starting out? You’re in luck, because we at Birgo Realty want to help. We're exploring tips and tricks to get started so that in no time, you'll be featured on the cover of Architectural Digest.
Birgo Realty
Top 10 Online Workout Resources
Since the pandemic started, people have been spending most of their time indoors in the comfort of their own homes. Add winter and Pittsburgh’s cold weather to the mix and now some of you might be feeling a lack of motivation to exercise. During these times, health and wellbeing is of utmost importance, so we’re going to share with you our top 10 online workout resources for staying fit and healthy during the winter (and we’re including apartment friendly workouts)!
Birgo Realty
Securities traders make moves that are tethered to the operations and valuation of the companies whose stock they buy and sell. Usually, that works pretty well. Until this happened. A digital flash mob originating on Reddit — a popular internet message board — stormed the hedge fund citadel on Tuesday, January 26, 2021, aggressively buying and promoting a series of stocks that the hedge funds held short positions on.
Birgo Capital
Meet our Team: Peter Holt
What items would you take with you on a deserted island? Peter Holt would bring a baseball mitt, a rice cooker, and a glue gun. Learn more about Birgo Capital's Investment Analyst in this Q&A.
Birgo Capital