AS YOU ALREADY KNOW, the Coronavirus is the current dangerous event in our world right now. Pennsylvania currently has orders that all non life-sustaining businesses shut down for two weeks. Birgo Realty is for the city of Pittsburgh during this COVID- 19 pandemic.
It’s affecting our as a society. It’s affecting our jobs as a community.
Most of all, it’s affecting our families and the ones we love.
As the Birgo team is working from home to help do our part, we’ve compiled a list of the great tips we’ve seen that can help minimize the chances of you getting or passing the virus.
Whether you’re a tenant of ours or you just love the Pittsburgh area, we hope this article can help out by giving you a bit of confidence. Not all of this info will be new to you, but some of the facts behind them might be.
See the list below:

Sneeze into your elbow.
Common ways to sneeze are into your hands or away from people, but to really stop the spread of any foreign entities, start sneezing into your elbow.
It’s the easiest way to keep the germ coverage minimal and off of your hands and the objects in your immediate vicinity.
“A little sneeze isn’t worth too much worry, right?” Wrong.
Most sneezes travel around five feet away, but some particles in every sneeze can travel as far as sixteen feet away. The split-second choice to sneeze into your elbow is crucial during this pandemic in keeping your friends and family safe.

Wash your hands often.
WHEN should you wash your hands? Sources say often. Probably twice as often as you normally would!
Wash your hands when you get home from work, after you use the restroom, after you open the freezer doors to grab a frozen pizza at the grocery store, after you use the pump at the gas station to fill up your tank, etc.
You could have the virus for 2-14 days before you even know it, so be sure that you’re very, very conscious about your germ footprint.

Avoid being close to those you don’t live with – Practice Social Distancing
The easiest way to stop the spread of anything is to stay away from possible carriers. In the case of the Coronavirus, states in various parts of the U.S. and even whole countries are enforcing “stay at home” laws to keep the spread under more control.
You don’t want to pass on a virus that you didn’t even know you had, just because you didn’t feel sick. It’s an easy thing to miss, but every gas pump or door handle that an infected person touches is an easy method of spreading something to someone who might not make it if they contracted the virus. You don’t need to feel sick to be sick.
Stay safe, take care, and let us know if we can help you! We’re here to keep improving your lives through real estate EVEN during this troublesome time. You can email us at or give us a call at 412-567-1324.

(a perfect example of what social distancing does *NOT* look like, from the Birgo team)
To do OUR part to limit the spread of the Coronavirus in our community, Birgo Realty is implementing a number of temporary changes to its regular systems:
- Our office staff is, and will be, working remotely for the next two weeks to limit in-person contact. This means our offices are closed. You can still contact your property manager or our main office at their phone numbers.
- Our maintenance staff will be cleaning common areas frequently and avoiding contact with residents (where possible). We aim to keep our tenants and employees SAFE while, at the same time, keep our residents’ housing working at OPTIMUM conditions.
- For urgent maintenance issues we will still be available to help, but we will schedule services for NON-urgent maintenance issues to be completed once the risk of spreading the virus has passed. This is to maximize social distancing because we value your health.
- We’ve paused in-person showings for a minimum of two weeks. We’re currently working extremely hard on using an alternative for the time being so you can still see your desired units: virtual showings. Anyone who wants a showing during these two weeks will get access to a video tour of their desired unit, then they’ll have the opportunity to call the agent and ask any questions they have after viewing.
Thank you for following us. Birgo Realty is for you during this COVID- 19 pandemic.
🤝We’ll get through this together,
-The Birgo Team