Important Traits of a Successful Real Estate Developer

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Becoming a successful real estate developer requires perseverance and a unique set of skills. Here are some important traits that you need to inculcate to become one.

Forging Relationships

While a property might be all about the location, you cannot become a successful real estate developer without creating and maintaining good relationships. Remember, relationships aren’t built in a day but can be broken in one. You need to develop some dependable relationships with bankers, contractors, architects, brokers and the others that you encounter in your line of work. One relationship that is particularly important is with the local neighborhood council. They may have the power to shut down a project if they don’t approve of it. As a real estate developer, you need to bring together all these people from different backgrounds to create a truly great project.

Analytical mind

Problems are a part and parcel of real estate development. Considering the fact that you would be trying to bring together a number of different variables into the equation, you need to analyze the situation beforehand to foresee issues that might arise. You will also need to have a good presence of mind to tackle sudden obstacles on the road.


As a real estate developer, you need to possess the creative eye which will help you see the bigger picture while looking at just the blueprints. You would also need the foresight to understand the needs of a community in the future and build projects that would fulfill those requirements. Use cutting-edge technology, new building methods and challenging tools and materials to ensure you build projects that are as exciting as they are useful.


There is risk involved in everything. As a real estate developer, you will need to not just anticipate failure but also be prepared for it. You need to be brave to push the envelope but also take failures in your stride and learn from them. No projects are risk-proof. For being successful, you need to be brave enough to take risks and find newer ways to mitigate them.

Research skills

Building projects for a targeted audience can be truly challenging. You will need to understand their present needs and also chart out their future needs to figure out what development projects can help them. You will also need to research and understand the market trends, local council regulations and the various requirements for starting a development project.

Financial acumen

Knowing when to stop and how to manage developments within your budget is a skill. You need to keep yourself updated with the price of various materials/tools and also the current rates in the market. Manage your budget, allocate wisely and remember not to exceed your budget.

As a real estate developer, you will soon learn experience is the best teacher. Some might already possess most of these skills but the rest can always be learned and honed over time on the job.

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