The Most Overlooked Thing in Pittsburgh Apartment Hunting

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While people like you are doing their Pittsburgh apartment hunting, The MOST overlooked thing is one of the most crucial.

People overlook this one thing all too often:

Their property management company.

When choosing to rent an apartment, people often just look for a physical place to live. They only concern themselves with amenities like parking, furnishings, if utilities are included or not, etc.

This is understandable since all of those things affect their daily life. However! The property management company or landlord that you’re renting from impacts your daily experience at your apartment more than you might think.

Here’s how you can set yourself up for success with your next home:

Do Your Research

We all have access to Google. Use the internet to research the property, but don’t neglect researching its owners! If it’s a larger property management company, they will likely have reviews from past renters on their Google page or popular sites like or Apartment Guide. Check those out; they will help you get a general understanding of their business practices.

You might also be able to check their Better Business Bureau rating.

Ask Around and Request References

Don’t be afraid to find and ask people about their experience in the property you’re looking at!

Just like the property management company wants to verify that you’re a law-abiding individual before you reside in their property, you should verify the quality of the apartment you’re looking at before you take them up on their word.

Don’t worry if they will be offended– the right landlord or manager will appreciate you doing your due diligence!

Trust your Intuition

At the end of the day, you have to be able to trust the people you’re renting from. If your gut is telling you that renting from them is not a good decision, don’t do it. There are plenty of ethical property managers who will provide you with good service. If you run dry on an option, find something else! The pond is full.

Now before you assume that we wrote this just to get you to rent with us, have a look at this quick guide. We’ve put together a free guide of the most important questions to ask yourself when looking for when doing your Pittsburgh apartment hunting.

You can download it here and you’ll be able to see that we care about you whether you rent from us or not.

Maybe you didn’t think about researching the property management company before you read this article. If this was you, hopefully this guide has been a helping hand as you keep on the prowl for a new place to live.

Cheers and happy apartment hunting to you!

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