
Your Resource for All Things Real Estate & Investments
Visiting Pittsburgh's Neighborhoods/How to Choose a Neighborhood
Pittsburgh is a fascinating, thriving city. It overflows with history, culture, and activity. However, there are multiple neighborhoods, all with a unique mini-culture. Which one should you visit, or consider taking up residence in?
Birgo Realty
How Data Analytics can Drive Real Estate Investing
Today, everywhere in real estate, companies are throwing around terms such as “Big Data” and “analytically-driven decisions” when it comes to developing new business strategies that guide decision-makers in making sound insights.
Birgo Capital
What to Do in Pittsburgh in the Summer
Pittsburgh in the summer is one of the best times to be in the city. Warm weather, great food, music, and much more are around the corner for everyone lucky enough to be here now.
Birgo Realty
Financial Literacy Event: Makes Cents in 2019
Our team is looking forward to volunteering at Makes Cents 2019, a financial literacy event geared towards high school students. This is the first year that the event is being organized by Mission C, Go Realty’s non-profit partner. In past years, Makes Cents was organized by the Global Shapers community hub in Pittsburgh.
Birgo Realty
Four Ways to Start Investing in Real Estate
“The wise young man or wage earner of today invests his money in real estate.” – Andrew Carnegie, billionaire industrialist
Birgo Capital
The Most Overlooked Thing in Pittsburgh Apartment Hunting
When choosing to rent an apartment, people often just look for a physical place to live. They only concern themselves with amenities like parking, furnishings, if utilities are included or not, etc.
Birgo Realty
Andrew Reichert - University of Pittsburgh CBA Outstanding Alumni Recipient
Andrew Reichert, President and CEO of Birgo, and Principal of Birgo Capital, was recently honored with the CBA Outstanding Alumni Award.
Birgo Realty
You Don't Need to Rip People Off to Succeed in Real Estate
To succeed in real estate, there is the pervading myth that you have to rip someone off. Apparently, success is only possible if you cut corners or cheat someone. We’re here to bust this myth. How do you ward against individuals, business, and organizations that have poor intentions? Look at their priorities. What do they claim to value? Is that reflected in how they go about business, how they treat others, how they spend their time?
Birgo Realty
Pittsburgh Real Estate: Opportunity In Private Equity (White Paper Download)
Real estate private equity is increasing in popularity as an alternative asset class. Pittsburgh is rapidly becoming one of the world’s best locations for long-term real estate investment. Provided is an overview of both — the Pittsburgh Real estate market and the opportunities that abound specifically in private equity. Attached is our white paper Investing in Pittsburgh Real Estate: Private Equity
Birgo Capital
How to Avoid Frozen Pipes Over the Winter
This post is part of a series FAQs from our tenants. We hope that it helps address common questions or concerns for renters and homeowners.
Birgo Realty
How Often to Check Your Furnace Filter
Different homes require different changing schedules. A few factors that affect how often are listed below.
Birgo Realty
Questions to Ask at an Apartment Showing
When looking for a new place, it’s essential to ask the right questions at an apartment showing. We’ve hosted plenty of showings, and know exactly what questions are relevant to finding a new home. We even put together a free, downloadable guide of what to ask through the entire apartment hunting process. For now, though, let’s focus on questions to ask at an apartment showing.
Birgo Realty